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Shielding Against Lyme Disease and Tick-Transmitted Illnesses

In the tranquil embrace of nature, there exists a tiny yet potent threat – ticks! While these tiny creatures may seem innocuous, they pose a significant risk to our health, transmitting diseases such as Lyme and other co-infections. As we get into warmer weather and more outdoor adventures, adopting tick-safe living strategies is crucial to prevent these illnesses from taking hold.

Healthy Hydration

One of the most common things we see during a live blood analysis appointment is dehydrated cells. These cells look like raisins instead of healthy round red blood cells, making it harder for them to move freely through our plasma.

Water makes up at least 60 per cent of our body weight and is critical for our body’s overall function and health. Water helps our blood to move better, taking nutrients to our cells and tissues. It helps us to digest food better, getting more nutrients out of the food while moving the food more easily through our intestines. Water helps to regulate our body temperature. It helps with detoxifying dangerous toxins from our body and assists our kidneys to work more efficiently.

Top 6 suggestions to help prevent heart disease!

Heart disease is the number one killer of women worldwide and the leading cause of premature death in women in Canada. Cardiovascular disease affects 1 out of 3 women globally. I don’t mean to start this off all gloomy and somber. Unfortunately, women are understudied, misdiagnosed and there is a lack of awareness when it comes to their cardiovascular health. That is the bad news! Now, are you ready for the good news? 80% of woman’s risks are within her control and heart disease can be largely preventable. Wow, Thank Goodness! Let’s have a look at the top 6 suggestions to help your own cardiovascular health.

Oxidative Stress

Live blood is an extremely useful tool for testing many root causes of health issues in our bodies. One thing a live blood analyst (LBA) can see in your live blood is cellular damage or free radical damage, also known as oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is when the body’s cells become imbalanced with free radicals (reactive oxygen species) compared to the number of antioxidants. Having too many free radicals in the body can cause cellular damage and even cell destruction. Too many free radicals will cause tissues to start degenerating and even damage the cell DNA.

Tips on Preventing Viruses and the Top 7 Antivirals

Viruses come in all different shapes and sizes and they affect us all differently. Some can be more serious while some are just your common colds. The elderly, young children and those with compromised immune systems can be at a greater risk of contracting viruses. The good news is that by incorporating the following prevention tips and incorporating anti-viral foods in our diet we can decrease the likelihood of catching these viruses.

6 Ways To Love Your Liver

6 Ways To Love Your Liver

In Live Blood Cell Analysis we are always interested in how the liver is preforming as it has many functions that impact our health. There are many ways to support your liver, but first let’s take some time to understand it and its importance.

Acidity vs Alkaline

As technicians at Microcell Sciences, we often see patients/clients that are more acidic rather than alkaline. The goal for a healthy body is to keep your body’s PH level as close to 7.4 as possible.

Our bodies and blood have a PH level of 7.35 to 7.45; slightly alkaline. It is a continuous fight for your body’s organs, tissue and fluids to try to neutralize acids in order to maintain the proper PH level.

Foods and stress play a huge role in altering the body’s PH. People are consuming too many acid forming foods, such as dairy, grains, meats, processed foods, sodas, coffees and sweets.

Liver Toxins

Our liver is the organ in our body that naturally detoxifies our system of harmful toxins, chemicals and other waste that we do not want or need. The liver has over 500 functions in the body and without it, the body cannot survive. The liver plays a major role in the digestion system. It produces bile, detoxifies drugs and alcohol, allows degradation of hormones, and the manufacturing of many vital substances like cholesterol, blood proteins and enzymes. The liver is involved in processing and metabolizing every class of nutrient in the body. With the overload of chemicals now present in our foods, environment and cleaning products, this very important organ can become overwhelmed and sluggish. It’s extremely necessary for us to support our liver with key nutrients from foods and supplements that can help it function at its' optimal state.

Mold and Bacteria

WET BASEMENT? Mold and bacteria may cause allergies or more severe health conditions.

Like the steady beat of a drummer, heavy rain pelts the roof. Minutes later, the water streams into the basement of your home and hours later, humidity builds and the smell of must rises to the main floor of your house.

Basement flooding is devastating and may cause a lingering moisture problem. This may result in serious health implications, including mold and other types of bacteria.


Winter getaways are definitely the best reprise from our harsh winter months. Tropical islands and Asian destinations; a stress relief that we so greatly need after being stuck in the house during cold, dark months of the year. However, have you ever returned back from an amazing holiday feeling worse than when you left? Did you experience traveler's diarrhea or digestive issues during or after the trip? There’s a high probability you may have contracted some undesirable pathogens from water or food consumed in these foreign destinations.